How to activate your white-label marketplace

  1. Decide on the domain name where you’d like to point your marketplace.
    1. E.g. {yourcollectionwebsite}.com
  2. Choose the marketplace subdomain for your white-label marketplace
    1. E.g. marketplace.{yourcollectionwebsite}.com
  3. Have a technical member on your team add a DNS record to your domain host. We will be adding a CNAME record.


  1. Let your Snag contact know the marketplace subdomain that you’ve configured. In no time your white-label marketplace will be up and running!

Inputs for marketplace configuration

The following table is editable. Please copy and send over your desired configuration for set up.

Property Description Example
Name Collection Name My NFT Collection
Twitter URL URL to include in tweet
primaryColorHex Primary hex color
(Connect wallet / list item button color) #FFFFFF
secondaryColorHex Background hex color
(Connect wallet / list item button color) #FFFFFF
tweet The default tweet to generate when users click “Tweet” after purchasing I just purchased a @mynft NFT!

Suggested linking to enable marketplace discovery

We suggest linking your marketplace to enable discovery via the following social & site elements

Property Suggestion Context
Twitter Bio Link in bio or as website This is the single biggest change to drive direct traffic to the marketplace
Linktree Include at the top of your linktree as ‘project name marketplace’ It’s up to you if you want to remove other marketplace links, but we suggest you place ours at the top regardless.
Site homepage Prominent call to action either in topline nav, homepage UI, or both Again, you to keep or remove other marketplace links. We aggregate listings to act as a source of truth for buyers.
Tweets Share directly with your followers! We’re happy to subsidize 0-fees at launch and/or partner on giveaways & spaces to augment the message.

Marketplace Promotion

Launching Your Marketplace

Contest Promotion Criteria: To best incentivize marketplace usage we recommend listing and/or purchasing to win [Prize]

Here’s an example of a successful promotion that drove marketplace usage:

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