As of this current date Blur has a number of limitations in place affecting aggregation in partner marketplaces, and causing discrepancies between the floor price and listings in few marketplaces from time to time.

Below are the limitations and options we’ve scoped as the best next steps for partners:

Blur Restrictions

  1. ‘All orders require a signature from the Blur orders to be filled’
  2. ‘To get a signature, the Blur server requires the buyer to be signed in’
  3. ‘Smart contracts wallets / routers cannot sign or fill orders’


  1. In order to purchase a Blur order the user must sign into Blur via native MetaMask prompt, adding a step to the purchase flow.

    Screenshot 2023-04-15 at 8.32.52 PM.png

  2. Blur purchases can only be combined with purchases from other marketplaces that the Blur router already supports (OpenSea, LooksRare, X2Y2). If purchased natively (or other marketplaces) the order will be broken into multiple transactions, which may increase time to transaction completion.

  3. Normalizing royalties (collecting fees on top of aggregated listings) are not possible with Blur listings turned on as they require usage of the Reservoir Router Contract.

    1. This means that for marketplaces with Normalized Royalties Blur listings will not fill in to the feed.
  4. If you accept an offer from Blur you’ll receive ‘Blur Pool’ ETH, which needs to be withdrawn in a separate transaction (to get ETH or WETH).

Partner Options

  1. Marketplaces come with ‘Normalized Royalties’ as default, partners can decide to turn off normalized royalties and introduce more liquidity to your marketplace as Blur listings will begin to fill in.


    1. Partner marketplaces will have the best liquidity, effectively increasing site traffic and purchasing through native buying experiences.
    2. Native listings / purchases will still have full enforced royalty.


    1. Aggregated listings will no longer have Normalized Royalties, so if an OpenSea order was filled natively with 0.5% royalty then partners will receive the 0.5% vs. full royalty.
  2. Keep Normalized Royalties for all aggregated listings


    1. Aggregated listings still receive full royalty if purchased natively


    1. Partners may see discrepancies between the floor price and listings as we track the floor per collection across all marketplaces. Blur listings don’t fill into the feed but the Blur floor is still counted in overall floor price.
  3. Block Blur (Nuclear Option)


    1. There will be no discrepancies between floor price and listings as Blur data and listings will no longer be tracked or fed into partner marketplaces.


    1. Partner marketplaces may no longer have the best liquidity and may see less site traffic due to blocking Blur.

    For more information on Blur Limitations see the following documentation drafted by Reservoir:

    If you’re debating any of the following feel free to reach out for help, and let us know how you’d like to move forward.

    We’re continuously monitoring the situation with Blur and looking to solve for the best liquidity while ensuring creators get their full royalty. We’ll make sure that creators take back control of the buying experience no matter how long it takes!

    Thanks, Snag Team