Hey Snag Fam,

Although for some navigating the marketplace experience may be easy, we thought it would be useful to outline some of the core features in the marketplace experience.

Feel free to DM us on Twitter with any questions!

Switch Collections: If the project has multiple collections you can navigate to the “Change Collection” tab and scroll through the collections hosted in the dropdown menu.

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Activity View: Navigate to the highlighted button, “Activity”, to view sales happening in real-time across all marketplaces.

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Properties: In the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the marketplace you’ll find all properties existing in the collection. Click on the arrows displayed below to expand the view and see the traits within each trait group.

Additionally, you can search for a trait within each trait group for easier navigation. Don’t worry you don’t have to scroll through 40 traits to find the Godjira with the “Ice” Body trait. Notice that each trait specifies a trait floor, and percentage listed.

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Sort listings: Navigate to the button on the right hand side of the screen “Price: Low to High” and choose your preferred view.

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Here we have sorted the collection by “Token ID: Low to High”

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Collection & Offers: To enter the collection & trait offer view navigate to this button on the right-hand side of the marketplace.

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When clicking the “Collection & Trait Offers” this view will show up on your screen. Click on the “All Traits” button to find the trait you’d like to make an offer on.

Note - This is a collection offer for the NFTs in the collection with the trait you specified