The following two APIs are standards we expect for interacting with a client’s loyalty point system.


In our self-serve dashboard we will ask for the following:


Please build your APIs with API key access. Allow us to pass in the API key as a header

# we will send the following header on all requests
x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY

Get loyalty point balance

GET <URL can be specified, e.g.>

Request parameters:
  walletAddress: string | string[],  // case-insensitive
  startingAfter?: string // optional, only if pagination is required.

// no pagination
Response body:
Status code: 2**

  "data": [{
    "id": string // optional, only if pagination is required
    walletAddress: string
    amount: string // important: amount must be a string
  hasNextPage: boolean // if pagination is required

Update loyalty point balance

POST <URL can be specified, e.g.>

Body parameters:
  entries: [
		  walletAddress: string // case-insensitive
		  direction: 'debit' | 'credit'
		  amount: string // important: amount must be string.
		  idempotencyKey: string | undefined // external client responsible for saving only once
	description: "description of event",


Status code: 2**

Satus code: 4** or 5**
Response body:
  message: string