Snag offers the most comprehensive set of available loyalty rules and customizable logic needed to reward users through ‘offchain loyalty’, now that you’re ready to get started we’ll work together to define the right logic for v1 of your program!
Below we’ll list all currently available logic that’s already in use, and recommend choosing a maximum of ~10 rules to start, with the knowledge that you can leverage our ‘questing integration’ to add more flexible rules, and time-based challenges. In addition to choosing the rules we’ll need the point value you’d like to reward for each action to get started, but can always change these in the future.
Onchain rules: we reference on-chain NFT data to let you reward users for holding, listing, paying royalties, and other key on-chain contributions:
Generally speaking all on-chain rules can be applied go-fwd or retroactively, ie. to give a lumpsum of points at launch for tokens held
Social Rules: In addition to more flexible social contribution tracking from questing (below) we can create ‘set it and forget it rules’ for Twitter contributions using the Twitter API, with rate limits applicable depending on plan tier: