As we launch new features we find it important to help our partners communicate these product updates promptly to their community, feel free to edit and this announcement as you please.

gm, today we’re launching Referrals in our marketplace to maximize sales!

here’s what you need to know 👇

1/ Sellers can opt-in to referrals by toggling ‘Referral fee’ in the listing flow, allowing anyone sharing the link to share in the profit from your sale based seller input.

Placeholder image - replace with image from your marketplace

Frame 35.png

2/ Referrers can navigate to the token view of a listing with Referrals enabled and click on ‘Get Referral Link to Earn…’ to generate a referral link.

Share the link to receive a share of the profits if your link leads to a purchase.


3/ Whether you’re a holder, or just shopping, you’re part of our community and able to earn!

Thanks for following along with us as we improve our marketplace, we’ll keep iterating on this product to create the best buying experience for all!

Stay tuned 👀